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Impact factors/Citations

There are different ways to measure the impact of articles and journals, including impact factors, Google Scholar citations and Altmetrics.

Impact factor

The citation database Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) measures how many times each article is quoted in the database. In Journal Citation Reports you can find JIF/Journal Impact Factor, a measure of the “weight” of journals based on citations in Web of Science.

Google Scholar

Like Web of Science the citation database Google Scholar measures how many times each article is quoted in Google Scholar. Google Scholar Metrics is a measure of the “weight” of journals based on citations in Google Scholar.

Tip! When you search in Google Scholar within the County Council network, in the list of search results you will see not only Google Scholar Citations but also the number of citations in Web of Science.


Altmetrics is a generic name for services that measure the impact of articles in social media. Two examples are Altmetric and Impact Story.