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The databases are accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset and Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement. Proxy is required outside the IP-area of Region Stockholm. In most databases English is used as search language.

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1177 för vårdpersonal (previously Nationellt kliniskt kunskapsstöd)

The regions’ joint knowledge support for everyone who works in health care in Sweden. The content is written and quality assured by experienced healthcare personnel and includes care programs and guidelines. Only in Swedish.

Clinical guidelines

1177 Vårdguiden

1177 Vårdguiden is the official site for patient information and healthcare in Sweden. Partly available in English.

Health Information for patients


AccessMedicine from McGraw-Hill Medical offers hundreds of medical e-books. Medical photos, illustrations and videos are also included.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.



Contains references to journals in physiotherapy, rehabilitation, occupational therapy and alternative medicine.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.


Anatomy TV

Provides three-dimensional (3D), interactive models of human anatomy. In “3D Atlas” you can choose which part of the body you want to focus on and show different views (anatomy, dissection, MRI, films). In “3D Real-time” you can add and remove layers of muscles, nervs, joints, and organs. Use Chrome, Firefox or Edge for best functionality.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.


AORN – Guidelines for Perioperative Practice

Guidelines and standards for perioperative care developed by AORN – The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses – an association in the USA.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Clinical guidelines, Nursing

BNF – British National Formulary

Provides quick references and information for healthcare professionals on effective and safe use of medicines.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.


BNFC – British National Formula for Children

Provides quick references and information for healthcare professionals on effective and safe use of medicines for children.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Pediatrics, Pharmacology/Toxicology

Campbell Collaboration Library

Provides systematic reviews within different topic areas, including social welfare, disability, crime and justice, and education.

Education and Teaching, Sociologi


Contains references to scientific articles in nursing, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, and health administration.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Nursing, Rehabilitation

Clinical Queries in PubMed

A search tool in PubMed where you can search for systematic reviews or clinical studies in therapy, diagnostics etc.

Proxy is required outside the IP-area of Region Stockholm.

Evidence Based Medicine


Search for diagnosis or treatment to find research articles, medical e-books, images and treatment guides, so called Clinical Overviews.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Clinical guidelines, Medicine


Database of ongoing clinical studies in different countries.


Cochrane Library

Here you will find Cochrane Reviews, systematic reviews of high scientific quality. You will also find the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL).

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Evidence Based Medicine

DiVA – Digitala vetenskapliga arkivet

DiVA portal is an institutional repository for research publications and student theses written at the majority of universities and research institutions in Sweden. Available in both Swedish and English.



Expert written summaries of current evidence (like UpToDate). Search for symptoms, conditions, drugs and more and get evidence-based recommendations about treatment, diagnosis and prevention.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Clinical guidelines, Evidence Based Medicine, Medicine


Contains references to scientific articles in biomedicine with focus on pharmacology and toxicology including Medline citations.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Medicine, Pharmacology/Toxicology

ERIC (Ebsco)

References to scientific literature in education, leadership and management from 1966 and onwards.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Education and Teaching

FASS for health professionals

Information on approved medicines, only in Swedish.


GHO (Global Health Observatory)

WHO statistics on diseases and health in the world. It is possible to produce statistics from, for example, specific countries or certain diseases.


Google Scholar

Searching the internet for scientific material from academic publishers, universities and colleges worldwide.

To access full text articles, proxy is required outside the IP-area of Region Stockholm.

Education and Teaching, Psychiatric/Psychology, Rehabilitation, Sociologi

Handbook of Drug Administration via Enteral Feeding Tubes

Encyclopedia with information on drug administration via enteral feeding tubes.


Herbal Medicines

Encyclopedia with guidelines and information on herbal medicines, including information on herbal constituents.


HTA – Health Technology Assessment Reports from Swedish Regions

HTA reports evaluates new methods and techniques in Swedish medical services from the best available evidence/research.

Evidence Based Medicine

Isabel – differential diagnosis

Enter clinical features of your patient and get a list of possible diagnoses, as well as drugs that potentially cause the same symptoms.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Clinical guidelines, Medicine


Janusinfo is the official website of Region Stockholm for approved and independent evidence-based drug information for health staff. Partly in English.


Journal Citation Reports

Contains information on more than 8000 scientific journals. Find journals within your subject and see what Impact Factor they have.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.


Kloka listan

Kloka listan is a list of recommended essential medicines for common diseases in patients in Region Stockholm.


Kolada – the open and free database on Swedish municipalities and regions

Colletions of statistics from municipalities and regions in Sweden, with the possibility to compare and analyse over 2000 key figures. Only in Swedish.


KPP Databases

KPP, Cost Per Patient, is a method for calculating the cost for each individual patient and care contact. Partly in English.



Kunskapsguiden is a national website for healthcare professionals. The knowledge guide gathers quality-assured knowledge from the National Board of Health and Welfare and other authorities and actors. Only in Swedish.

Clinical guidelines

Kunskapsstöd för vårdgivare – Knowledge support for caregivers

Guidelines and recommendations for specialized care in the Stockholm region, developed in close consultation with experts and obtained from National Clinical Knowledge Support.

LactMed – Drugs and Lactation Database

The LactMed database contains reviewed and fully referenced information on drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed.

Pediatrics, Pharmacology/Toxicology


LIBRIS is the Swedish national catalogue for books, journals, reports and dissertations.

Book Catalogues, Dissertations/Reports

Läkemedelverkets föreskrifter – LVFS

Läkemedelsverket/The Swedish Medical Products Agency is the national authority responsible for regulation and surveillance of the development, manufacturing and sale of pharmaceuticals and other medicinal products. Here you find the current regulations available in Swedish.

Laws and Regulation

Medline (Ebsco)

Contains references to scientific articles in biomedicine, nursing, rehabilitation, psychiatry, dentistry and related subject areas.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.


Medline (Ovid)

Contains references to scientific articles in biomedicine, nursing, rehabilitation, psychiatry, dentistry and related subject areas.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.



Database package with drug information.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.


Nationella kvalitetsregister – Quality registries

A system of around one hundred National Quality Registries provide the Swedish health care system with a unique opportunity to monitor quality and results.


Nationellt kliniskt kunskapsstöd – National Clinical Knowledge Support System

Nationellt kliniskt kunskapsstöd is now called 1177 för vårdpersonal.

Clinical guidelines

NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Exellence

The British institute, NICE, National Institute for health and Care Excellence, provides national guidance and advice to improve health and social care.

Clinical guidelines


European database containing information on rare health conditions and their treatment.

Medicine, Pharmacology/Toxicology

PEDro – Physiotherapy Evidence Database

A database of randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.

Evidence Based Medicine, Rehabilitation

PEN – Practice-based evidence in nutrition

The Global Resource for Nutrition Practice. Evidence-based nutrition recommendations.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Evidence Based Medicine

Praktisk Medicin

An internet version of the book “PM Praktisk Medicin”. Mainly for healthcare staff in ambulatory care. Only in Swedish.


Provtagningsanvisningar & laboratorier (Vårdverktyget) – Laboratory services & specimen instructions

Links to specimen instructions and labs across Sweden. Only in Swedish.



Contains references to literature in psychology, speech therapy and related subject areas. Published by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Psychiatric/Psychology, Sociologi

PubChem (Entrez)

Information on the molecular composition of chemical substances. Developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).

To access full text articles, proxy is required outside the IP-area of Region Stockholm.

Genetics/Molecular Biology


Comprises more than 30 million references to scientific articles in biomedicine, nursing, rehabilitation, psychiatry, dentistry and related subject areas.

To access full text articles, proxy is required outside the IP-area of Region Stockholm.

Genetics/Molecular Biology, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacology/Toxicology, Psychiatric/Psychology, Rehabilitation, Sociologi

RCSB Protein Data Bank

The Protein Data Bank is the single worldwide archive of structural data of biological macromolecules. For studying macromolecules and their relation to diseases etc.

Genetics/Molecular Biology

Retraction Watch Database

A database covering retracted articles in scientific journals, i.e. articles that have been withdrawn due to faults discovered in the research or article.


Rikshandboken – The National Handbook for Child Health Services

A national handbook for providing evidence-based knowledge- and methodological support in Swedish Child Health Services.

Clinical guidelines, Pediatrics


A common search tool for the library’s e-resources. Simultaneously searches both e.g. PubMed, CINAHL, AMED and PsycINFO.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset and Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Education and Teaching, Psychiatric/Psychology, Rehabilitation, Sociologi

SBU – Swedish agency for health technology assessment and assessment of social services

SBU is an independent Swedish national authority, tasked by the government with assessing health care and social service interventions from a broad perspective, covering medical, economic, ethical and social aspects. SBU assessments are based on ‘systematic literature reviews’ of published research. You can search in English and most reports have a summary in English.

Evidence Based Medicine, Sociologi

Sis-standarder – Swedish Institute for Standards

SIS participates in ISO and CEN, the global networks that create standards. Contains international standards with prefixes SS, ISO, IEC, SS-EN, SS ISO, SS IEC.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset and Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.


Sjukhusbiblioteken i Region Stockholms bokkatalog

Joint book catalogue for the libraries in Region Stockholm.

Book Catalogues

SMART Imagebase – The Scientific & Medical ART Imagebase

More than 20 000 illustrations and animations depicting anatomy, physiology, surgery, diseases, conditions, trauma, embryology, histology, and other health science topics. Users may download images for educational, non-commercial use in lectures, presentations, slide shows, web sites and more.


SMART Imagedatabase

Scientific & Medical ART

Socialstyrelsens författningssamling – Swedish legislation on healthcare

Swedish legislation on healthcare, social care, dentistry, public health and safety as well as forensic psychiatry. (HSLFS-FS och SOSFS). Only in Swedish.

Laws and Regulation

Socialstyrelsens statistikdatabaser – Statictics from The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden.

Swedish statistics on abortions, cancer, deaths, births, heart disease, addiction, surgery etc. Partly in English.


Stockley’s Drug Interactions

Encyclopedia with guidelines and information on drug interactions.


Stockley’s Herbal Medicines Interactions

Encyclopedia with information on interactions of conventional drugs with herbal medicines, dietary supplements, and nutraceutical.



Swedish pharmaceutical information centers (ELINOR, ULIC, LUPP, CLINT, LiLi, LÄIF & KAROLIC)
in cooperation with the Norwegian center RELIS, publish independent evidence-based pharmaceutical reports.

Most information is in Swedish or Norwegian.

Evidence Based Medicine, Pharmacology/Toxicology

Svensk författningssamling

Svensk författningssamling (SFS) contains Swedish laws and regulations from the Swedish Riksdag.

Laws and Regulation

Svensk MeSH

The licensed Swedish translation of MeSH Database from the US National Library of Medicine. Can be used as a Swedish-English/English Swedish dictionary within medicine and related subjects. Produced by the Karolinska Institutet University Library.

Dictionaries and Thesauruses


Bibliografic database with references to Scandinavian articles within medicin, odontology, healthcare, nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy. Possible to search in English. Note! No new material is added to SveMed+ since January 2020. The content covers a time period from the 1980s to 2019.



Academic publications at Swedish universities. Search among scholarly articles, conference papers and dissertations etc.


Sällsynta hälsotillstånd – Rare Health Conditions

The National Board of Health’s knowledge database on rare health conditions. Contains information on more than 300 rare diseases and conditions. Only in Swedish.


TRIP Pro- Turning research into Practice

Evidenced-based clinical search engine trawling the internet for evidenced-baced clinical research and related content, including images, videos, patient information leaflets, educational courses and news.

Evidence Based Medicine


Papers in fulltext from Swedish universities and colleges. Searches possible in Swedish only.



The official webbsite for primary care providers within the Stockholm Region, including regional guidelines. Only in Swedish.

Clinical guidelines


Official website for information and services for healthcare providers licenced to provide care and treatment within Region Stockholm, including regional guidelines. Only in Swedish.

Clinical guidelines


“The Handbook for Healthcare” is based on the Swedish Health and Medical Service Act (HSL) and Social Services Act (SOL). It is designed to help meet national goals for health and medical care in Sweden. Its contents primarily concern the care of adult patients. Only in Swedish.

Clinical guidelines

Väntetider i vården

Contains statistics on waiting times and healthcare accessibility in Sweden in relation to government goals. Only in Swedish.


Web of Science

Web of Science is a multidisciplinary database with references to scientific journals, books, reports and conference material. It holds citation indexes covering sciences, social sciences, medicine, technology and arts & humanities.

Accessible for employees at Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset and Karolinska university hospital and units with library agreement.

Education and Teaching, Medicine, Psychiatric/Psychology, Sociologi

WHOLIS – World Health library database

WHO is the World Health Organization library catalog covering WHO publications from 1948 onwards.
